I thought I would take a second (or longer) to comment on the current state of the Presidential race. I must preface this, though, by declaring outright that I am an Obama supporter (and therefore a bit biased). I have my reasons. I won't go into them since I don't think it's anyone's darn business why I prefer one candidate over the others.
Also, I didn't watch the debate last night on ABC. From what I've read though, it ranges from an absolute debacle to the most brilliant debate in the history of politics. (Okay, I'm exaggerating the latter a bit, but there are those who liked it....)
I see some valid points on both sides. (I mean, those who liked vs. those who didn't... let's not get into an Obama vs. Clinton here... this is MY blog... don't go there please!)
- On the one hand, the first 45 minutes were spent on gaffes/controversies involving the candidates. For Obama - Rev. Wright, "Bitter"-gate, William Ayers, patriotism. For Clinton - Tuzla-gate.
(45 minutes MORE of hearing about these issues that have been beaten to death in the blogs and the media)
- On the other hand, there are some legitimate arguments that Obama, at least, needed to be asked about these issues. He will be called out these issues (legitimate or not) by the Republicans this fall when he becomes the nominee. (And again, don't argue with me on this one.... everything points in this direction. Again, MY blog, MY rules....) That's just how Republicans operate. (Unless McCain proves me wrong... I really hope he does....)
Here's what I think:
(1) How can you have a fair debate when one of the moderators used to work for one of the candidates? As a spin doctor no less????
- Okay, granted.... it's been 10 years plus since Stephanopolous had anything to do with working for the Clintons. But still.... I don't think that screams "fair and balanced" to me. I would accept the tough line of questioning better from Hannity or O'Reilly than I would from Stephanopolous.
(Let me just say that Stephanopoulous' defense of the debate questioning doesn't quite hold up. Then again, ABC is laughing to the bank since they had the best ratings ever for last night's debate.)
(2) What is the point of having a debate in PA if you're not going to allow PA voters to hear the candidates discuss the issues relevant to them?
- I mean, do we really think PA voters really care about whether Obama thinks Rev. Wright is a patriot??? (WTH kind of question was that???) I'll grant you, the "bitter" comments might still need addressing, but WTF would PA voters care about a next-to-nothing association with a man who was a radical in the 1960's?!?!
And why the heck would you have a citizen confront Clinton about her Bosnia "misspeak" by asking how she was going to win his vote back after lying? (To me, that was a really low blow.....)
(3) Since I don't wear a flag lapel pin everyday, does that make me a traitor to my country?!?!?!
- I've never really understood the flag pin flap. Of course, I think Obama shot himself in the foot when he tried to explain why he doesn't (over-thinking it dude). His answer is the reason why they asked him about it. But still.... it seems like the implication is that if you don't wear a flag pin, you're not a patriot. And if you're not a patriot, you are a traitorous scum of the earth and not worthy to live in the United States of America. (Okay, that's an exaggeration... but unfortunately, not too much of one.)
Frankly, I'm getting tired of the race. I'm getting tired of getting worked up over how the MSM is reporting (or not) on the presidential race. I just want this to be over with already.
But what I am tired of the most is seeing the same old, tired plays pulled out of the good ole political playbook. Is this REALLY the only way politics can be played? Do we HAVE to jump on and dissect/twist every word someone says???? (Okay, that sounds a bit hypocritical given my profession *cough*)
I wanted to believe in change and hope, but each day this drags on, I just "hope" that it will be over with soon!
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