Friday, April 13, 2007

Is it spring yet???

Today, the weather is better here, but the last week has been miserable. Absolutely miserable.

A week and a half ago, it was in the 60's to 70's. This past week, it's been in the 30's. On Wednesday, it snowed... SNOWED!!!!

This is not helping with me trying to keep up with school and being healthy. School is just going downhill, frankly. I completely zoned out in both of my classes yesterday. Normally, I'm into the one class, but yesterday, it just completely dragged on.

I really have to get back into it. I have finals the 2nd week of May coming up and I have a 2o-page paper I have to write. I've done the research, but I actually have to sit down and write it. *sigh* Not only that, but I have some pieces due for my part-time job that I need to get done by the end of May.

Aargh... too much to do, too little time and motivation to do it!

On the plus side, I am keeping up with the exercise and healthier eating. At least, for the most part... =)