Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pet Peeve #2 - Cell phone + Driving = IDIOT!!!!!

This p***es me off to no end. Invariably, the idiot who cuts you off on the highway, or changes lanes without a turn signal, or can't stay in a lane to save his life, what is he doing? You finally pull up next to that person and you peek over (or rather, it's the passenger who peeks over!) and the idiot has their cell phone up to their ear.

I mean, let's face it. As much as we'd like to believe we're multi-taskers, human beings were never meant to do more than one thing at a time. Especially when doing something that's potentially dangerous as driving!

If you MUST continue that 2 hour conversation about the latest doings of Brangelina and Britney Spears or "Why in the h*** Brett Favre just won't stay retired", at least shell out the moolah to get a hands-free headset for the phone. At least then, you'd be keeping both hands on the wheel as opposed to just one.

Mythbusters (a show I like to watch occasionally) recently confirmed the myth that "Talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as drunk driving." (See Episode 33) Just food for thought....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pet peeve #1 - Internet Advertising

Okay, I decided I needed a mental health break and allow myself to vent about a couple of my favorite pet peeves. So the next couple posts will be dedicated to my favorite pet peeves.

(Yeah, I realize that "favorite pet peeve" is probably a bit of an oxymoron, but whatever... my blog, my rules... :))

Pet peeve #1 is dedicated to internet advertising, particularly websites that allow BOTH pop-up and banner ads.

I work on a Mac laptop that is, at this point, almost 5 years old. I've kept it in good shape and it has served me faithfully. The only major problem I've had is the hard drive crashing on me recently, but thanks to the latest version of OS X, my data was all backed up.

But the one problem I've had as a Mac user is recently hitting websites that have banner AND pop-up advertising. For some reason, certain websites, when I open them, wind up giving me the spinning wheel of death. (If you're a Mac user, you'll know what I mean.) And it's all because, Firefox is trying to load the stupid a** advertising banners on the website!!!!!!!!

At this point, you tech savvy readers will start pointing out a dozen different things that I could have set up wrong, i.e.- programs that will fix the problem, settings I could change, more RAM memory, blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, I know there's stuff I could do (like get a newer computer). But I don't want to do that. (At least not while I remain unemployed....) I just think it's completely stupid that websites cram tons of advertising on their websites without testing the consequences for us lesser folk. You wind up losing a portion of your internet traffic and audience for the advertisers and hurting your bottom line.

The worst offender website? For me... I never could open their website properly to read articles. It ALWAYS would crash. I stopped going there or avoiding links to articles on their website because of that. Their website, in my opinion, needs a major overhaul anyway. Yeesh... It's not too much of a loss though since I don't care for their news coverage anyway.